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Enabling Conversations

The Conversations feature in Sintel Forms allows users to post comments and use @mentions within a form, making communication more efficient.

This feature is unique to the Sintel Forms Platform, enabling users to collaborate quickly without the need to reject a form or send it back through a workflow step. By using @mentions, users can request additional information or direct a question to a specific person, streamlining workflow processes.

Recommended Settings

We strongly recommend enabling email notifications alongside the Conversations feature to ensure users are notified when they are mentioned.

If your form includes external users (via the External Collaboration and External Sharing features), you can also mention them—provided they are saved. When mentioned, external users will see their email address or their name (if provided) in the mention.

Sending Email Notifications for Mentions

When using @mentions, users will receive an email notification alerting them to the mention. This setting also allows you to customise the email content.

Anyone you mention will receive an email notification with a direct link to the form, similar to the example below:


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