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The JavaScript API

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Sintel Forms contains a rich JavaScript API that can be used to manipulate fields on forms.

In all cases, when manipulating fields, the fieldName parameter must match the internal name of the SharePoint field or column and not the Title nor the display name set within the layout in Sintel Forms.

You can use this API to quickly get and set various fields on a form using conditions and steps within rules in the logic screen of the Sintel Forms Designer.




Returns the value of a field on the form


Sets the value of a field on the form


Returns the details of the currently logged in user


Sets the details of the currently logged in user


Sets the current date


Display custom error


Overrides the contents of dropdown (lookup fields)


Replacing multi choice text options with images


Get data from user information list


(aka VLOOKUP) Get the first matching list item from another list using a filter


(aka VLOOKUP) Get all list items from another list using a filter


Allows the set up of a cascading relationship between dropdowns (e.g. Country, City)

SPApi class

Allows performing custom JSOM calls


Allows quering Office 365 User Profiles. 

Please note this function requires extra permission.


Allows adding custom buttons to the top and bottom bars.


Returns a formFontext object, holding basic information about the form.

openPanel() /  togglePanel()

Allows to open and toggle forms side panels.


Allows to save the form.


Allows to execute workflow action.


Function Parameters:
fieldName (string)


Get the value of the “Country” field…

The value is case sensitive.

The return value type depends on the type of field that the function has been invoked for:

Field Type

Return Type

User (both single and multi-select)

Array of User

Lookup (single)


Lookup (multi)

Array of LookupItem



Choice (single)


Choice (multi)

Array of String










Function Parameters:
fieldName: the field to be set

setValue() function allows to insert sublist items. Works exactly as insertSublistItems() function but instead of this function use setValue(). For more information about how insertSublistItems() works visit this article.


Set the value of the “Shipping Costs” field…

let country = getValue("Country");

if (country == "England")
  setValue("ShippingCosts", "10")



Function Parameters:


Get the details of the currently logged in user…

Returns the object of User type, holding information about the currently logged in user.


Function Parameters:
fieldName: the field to be set


Set the details of the currently logged in user into the “User” field…



Sets the value taken from the “getCurrentUser()” function into a given field. Should be used with “User” field types. To allow for the “User” field type to receive an array of User object types, this function’s implementation is as follows: setValue(fieldName, [getCurrentUser()]); (note the square brackets around the 2nd parameter)


Function Parameters:
fieldName: the field to be set


Set the Date Picker field to the current date…



Sets the value taken from the “getCurrentDate()” function into a given field.


Function Parameters:
fieldName: the field to be set
errorMessage: the error which will be displayed


Set error message for the First Name field…

setErrorMessage("FirstName", "This is test ERROR");


Function Parameters:
lookupFieldName: name of the lookup field
lookupValues: array of new lookup values that should be assigned to the lookup.


let lookupFieldName = "Countries";
updateLookupValues(lookupFieldName, [{id: 1, value: "Country #1"},{id: 2, value: "Country #2"}]); 
This function overrides the dropdown content of the provided lookup field. It is meant to be used internally (by cascadingDropdowns function), so try to avoid using it in your custom logic).


Function Parameters:
fieldName: name of the multi-choice or single choice radio buttons field
optionWrapperList: list with objects that define options replaced by images:
option: name of the option that will be replaced by the image
imageUrl: URL of an image that will be displayed instead of an option
width: width of an image (optional) – 50px by default
height: height of an image (optional) – 50px by default


replaceChoicesWithImages('MultiChoiceFieldName', [  
       option: 'Microsoft Edge', 
       imageUrl: '', 
       width: 64, 
       height: 64
       option: 'Chrome', 
       imageUrl: ''


Function Parameters:
propertyName: name of the property from user information list

Example 1

For properties that are allways return data (“Title”, “JobTitle”, “Department”, “Name”, “EMail”, “MobilePhone”, “WorkPhone”)

let user = getCurrentUser();

   .then(data => {
   setValue('Title', data.EMail);


Example 2

For other properties e.g: data.FirstName, data.LastName, data.UserName, data.Office data.OtherMail etc.

let user = getCurrentUser();
let properties = ["FirstName"];

getUserProperties(user, properties)
   .then(data => {
    setValue('Title', data.FirstName);



getFilteredFirstListItem() (aka VLOOKUP)


Function Parameters:

searchedValue: this is the value you are searching for (we support text, number or lookup field types)
targetListTitle: this is the internal name of the list you are attempting to search
targetListFieldInternalName: this is the column in the list where the “searchedValue” will be searched for
fieldsToBeReturned: these are the list columns to be returned from the list you are searching

The “fieldsToBeReturned” parameter should contain at least one field name. If there is an empty array passed, an empty result is returned. If a field that you provide in the fieldsToBeReturned array does not exist in the list, it will be skipped. In the below example, the parameter contains “Title”, “Role”, “LatestFilm” and “Oscar”.


In the following example we will query a list and return the first matching item (the one with the lowest ID from the list), regardless of how many matching items are found. We will provide the list name to be searched, the field to search within and the other fields that we want to return data from.

let searchedValue = getValue('SearchedValue');
let targetListTitle = "FilmCrew";
let targetListFieldInternalName = 'Title';

getFilteredFirstListItem(searchedValue, targetListTitle, targetListFieldInternalName, ["Title", "Role", "LatestFilm", "Oscar"]).then(data => {
	setValue('Name', data.Title);
	setValue('Role', data.Role);
	setValue('LatestFilm', data.LatestFilm);
	setValue('Oscar', data.Oscar);


getFilteredListItems() (aka VLOOKUP)

Function Parameters:
searchedValue: this is the value you are searching for (we support text, number or lookup field types)
targetListTitle: this is the internal name of the list you are attempting to search
targetListFieldInternalName: this is the column in the list where the “searchedValue” will be searched for
fieldsToBeReturned: these are the list columns to be returned from the list you are searching
operator: “equals” (default), “beginsWith”, “contains”.
itemsLimit: limit of items to be returned, default 0 returns all items.

The “fieldsToBeReturned” parameter should contain at least one field name. If there is an empty array passed, an empty result is returned. If a field that you provide in the fieldsToBeReturned array does not exist in the list, it will be skipped.


In the following example we will query a list and return all the matching items. Again we will provide the list name to be searched, the field to search within and the other fields we want to return data from. The data that is returned will be populated into 4 multi-line text fields on the form and will be separated the newline escape sequence (\n).

let searchedValue = getValue('SearchedValue');
let targetListTitle = "FilmCrew";
let targetListFieldInternalName = 'Title'; 
let operator = "equals";//default 
let itemsLimit = 0;//default

getFilteredListItems(searchedValue, targetListTitle, targetListFieldInternalName, 
   ["Title", "Role", "LatestFilm", "Oscar"],itemsLimit, operator).then(data => {
	setValue('Name', => d.Title).join('\n'));
	setValue('Role', => d.Role).join('\n'));
	setValue('LatestFilm', => d.LatestFilm).join('\n'));
	setValue('Oscar', => d.Oscar).join('\n'));




Function Parameters:

parentLookupFieldName: The field containing the parent lookup field (which the item id will be taken from)

childLookupFieldName: The field containing the child lookup field (the one which values will be filtered)

childLookupFilterFieldName (The field in child lookup that should be used to compare the parent id values)

Example A

Implement cascading drop-downs between Countries and Cities.
a) there is a “Countries” list containing countries
b) there is a “Cities” list containing cities and a lookup to the “Countries” list (named CountryLookup)
c) within the main list (the one in which Sintel Forms is enabled – let’s call it “TestList”) there are 2 lookup fields in the main list “City” and “Country” fields that are linked to the “Countries” and “Cities” lists respectively

let parentLookupFieldName = 'Country';
let childLookupFieldName= 'City';
let childLookupFilterFieldName = 'CountryLookup';

cascadingDropdowns(parentLookupFieldName , childLookupFieldName, childLookupFilterFieldName);


Example B

Implement cascading dropdowns between Countries and Cities, but on a linked list level. Assumptions are similar to the ones above, but the “City” and “Country” fields are now located on a linked list named “TestList” (internal name list from the previous example).

let parentLookupFieldName = 'TestList.Country';
let childLookupFieldName= 'TestList.City';
let childLookupFilterFieldName = 'CountryLookup';

cascadingDropdowns(parentLookupFieldName , childLookupFieldName, childLookupFilterFieldName);


Allows to set up a cascading relation between dropdowns. Please note that when using a Rule to create cascading dropdowns, you should configure the “Run Once” flag on the Rule to optimise form performance.

Type Definitions


Field Name

Field Type






Field Name

Field Type






Field Name

Field Type





SPApi class

SPApi class allows writing custom JSOM queries by granting access to the SP.ClientContext and SP.Web objects.


Use custom JSOM code to extract items from another SharePoint list and output them in console window

// ensureInitialized call is necessary to set up the class properly
const context = SPApi.context;
const web = SPApi.hostWeb;      

const anotherList = web.get_lists().getByTitle("AnotherList");
const camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
const listItems = anotherList.getItems(camlQuery);

context.load(listItems, "Include(Id, Title)");      

	() => {  
  	const enumerator = listItems.getEnumerator();
    while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
    	const listItem = enumerator.get_current();
      const id = listItem.get_id();
      const title = listItem.get_item("Title");
      console.log("id: " + id + ", title: " + title);
SPApi class is simply exposing the SP.ClientContext and SP.Web objects. In order to use them correctly, knowledge of building and running JSOM queries is required.



Microsoft 365 allows accessing user profiles from within your organization using your Microsoft 365 account. Sintel Forms offers a simple way of querying these user profiles through an API function called getUserProfile. You can perform various actions such as getting information from your own profile, another user’s profile, or that of their manager or direct reports.

In order to use this feature, you need to grant Sintel Forms a tenant level permission:  
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/social/tenant" Right="Read" />.
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/social/tenant" Right="Read" />.

To do this, you need to be a tenant administrator and then follow the steps:

    1. Navigate to https://[tenantName]
    2. Paste “App Id”
      9072e86e-1482-411c-8f5b-7cc4c997533c and click “Lookup”. The page should be reloaded and other fields prepopulated (it means the app was found).
    3. In the “Permission Request XML” field paste below XML:
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      <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
      <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="Manage" />
      <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/social/tenant" Right="Read" />
      <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true"> <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="Manage" /> <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/social/tenant" Right="Read" /> </AppPermissionRequests>
      <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true"> 
          <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="Manage" /> 
          <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/social/tenant" Right="Read" /> 
    4. Click “Create” and then “Trust It”.

Function Parameters:

user: SPUser field value, can be obtained via another API function getValue(‘Requester’)[0]; or getCurrentUser()

properties: list of user profile properties to be returned. This parameter is optional, and if not provided, the following properties will be returned: Account name, First name, Last name, Name, Work phone, Department, Title, Job Title, Manager, Picture, User name, Mobile phone, Work email, Home phone, Office, Office Location


Within Sintel Forms Designer navigate to the Logic screen and then create a rule called “Get User Profile Data” as per the image below.

Create a Rule

In the Execute custom js function step, paste a function call as below to set fields:

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let user = getValue('Requester')[0];
let properties = [];
getUserProfile(user, properties).then(data => {
setValue('AccountName', data.AccountName);
setValue('FirstName', data.FirstName);
setValue('LastName', data.LastName);
setValue('FullName', data.PreferredName);
setValue('WorkPhone', data.WorkPhone);
setValue('Department', data.Department);
setValue('Title', data.Title);
setValue('SPS-JobTitle', data["SPS-JobTitle"]);
setValue('Manager', data.Manager);
setValue('PictureURL', data.PictureURL);
setValue('UserName', data.UserName);
setValue('CellPhone', data.CellPhone);
setValue('WorkEmail', data.WorkEmail);
setValue('HomePhone', data.HomePhone);
setValue('Office', data.Office);
setValue('SPS-Location', data["SPS-Location"]);
let user = getValue('Requester')[0]; let properties = []; getUserProfile(user, properties).then(data => { setValue('AccountName', data.AccountName); setValue('FirstName', data.FirstName); setValue('LastName', data.LastName); setValue('FullName', data.PreferredName); setValue('WorkPhone', data.WorkPhone); setValue('Department', data.Department); setValue('Title', data.Title); setValue('SPS-JobTitle', data["SPS-JobTitle"]); setValue('Manager', data.Manager); setValue('PictureURL', data.PictureURL); setValue('UserName', data.UserName); setValue('CellPhone', data.CellPhone); setValue('WorkEmail', data.WorkEmail); setValue('HomePhone', data.HomePhone); setValue('Office', data.Office); setValue('SPS-Location', data["SPS-Location"]); });
let user = getValue('Requester')[0]; 
let properties = []; 
getUserProfile(user, properties).then(data => { 
    setValue('AccountName', data.AccountName); 
    setValue('FirstName', data.FirstName); 
    setValue('LastName', data.LastName); 
    setValue('FullName', data.PreferredName); 
    setValue('WorkPhone', data.WorkPhone);
    setValue('Department', data.Department); 
    setValue('Title', data.Title); 
    setValue('SPS-JobTitle', data["SPS-JobTitle"]); 
    setValue('Manager', data.Manager); 
    setValue('PictureURL', data.PictureURL); 
    setValue('UserName', data.UserName); 
    setValue('CellPhone', data.CellPhone); 
    setValue('WorkEmail', data.WorkEmail); 
    setValue('HomePhone', data.HomePhone); 
    setValue('Office', data.Office); 
    setValue('SPS-Location', data["SPS-Location"]); 

You can also output all the user profile data into a single multiline text field if you wish, consider a field called UserProfileData:

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let user = getValue('Requester')[0];
let properties = [];
getUserProfile(user, properties).then(data => {
setValue("UserProfileData", JSON.stringify(data));
let user = getValue('Requester')[0]; let properties = []; getUserProfile(user, properties).then(data => { setValue("UserProfileData", JSON.stringify(data)); });
let user = getValue('Requester')[0]; 
let properties = []; 
getUserProfile(user, properties).then(data => { 
    setValue("UserProfileData", JSON.stringify(data));


Sample data








Joe Bloggs


+ 353 862098762


Sales & Marketing


Marketing Specialist


Marketing Specialist


Array of data




+ 353 862098762



+ 353 862098762






This function is described in more detail in this article.


Using this call, you can create custom buttons in your form, which will appear next to other buttons on the top panel of the form. You can find more details in this article.


This function gives the possibility to configure any text field to behave like an autocomplete control. Please note that autocomplete can also be used with Lookup fields by simply enabling it within the field properties pane in the layout screen of the Sintel Forms Designer.

Function parameter:

  • fieldName – text field name
  • minLength – the minimum number of characters typed in the text field that enables displaying suggestions list with possible results
  • dataSource
    • array of data with following format: { id: string, value: JSON object }
      • id – string value that is displayed in suggestions list for the user
      • value – JSON object that is used when user select an item from the suggestions list
    • API function with two optional parameters to use. The result should be returned as an array of data with a format like above. Optional parameters:
      • searchedValue – text value to be searched
      • resolveItems(items, createDataSourceId(item)) – the function transforms API array result to correct format that is acceptable in autocomplete control.
        • items – API array result.
        • createDataSourceId(item) – function that generate dataSource id property (value displayed as a result for user). User can combine here any text he wants to display, including API result item properties values.
  • select – a function that is triggered when the user selects an item from the suggestions list. The function input parameter is dataSource value (JSON object) from the selected item.


Autocomplete using data from other list

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autocomplete('Title', 1,
function(searchedValue, resolveItems) {
return getFilteredListItems(searchedValue, "Users", "FirstName", ["ID", "FirstName", "LastName", "City", "SintelFormsStatus"], 0, "beginsWith")
.then(data => resolveItems(data, (item => item.FirstName + ' ' + item.LastName)));
function(item) {
setValue('FirstName', item.FirstName);
setValue('LastName', item.LastName);
setValue('City', item.City);
setValue('UserStatus', item.SintelFormsStatus);
autocomplete('Title', 1, function(searchedValue, resolveItems) { return getFilteredListItems(searchedValue, "Users", "FirstName", ["ID", "FirstName", "LastName", "City", "SintelFormsStatus"], 0, "beginsWith") .then(data => resolveItems(data, (item => item.FirstName + ' ' + item.LastName))); }, function(item) { setValue('FirstName', item.FirstName); setValue('LastName', item.LastName); setValue('City', item.City); setValue('UserStatus', item.SintelFormsStatus); } );
autocomplete('Title', 1, 
    function(searchedValue, resolveItems) {
        return getFilteredListItems(searchedValue, "Users", "FirstName", ["ID", "FirstName", "LastName", "City", "SintelFormsStatus"], 0, "beginsWith")
            .then(data => resolveItems(data, (item => item.FirstName + ' ' + item.LastName)));
    function(item) {
        setValue('FirstName', item.FirstName);
        setValue('LastName', item.LastName);
        setValue('City', item.City);
        setValue('UserStatus', item.SintelFormsStatus);

Autocomplete with hardcoded data

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autocomplete('Car', 1,
{ id: 'Volkswagen Golf (G)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Golf', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 95 } },
{ id: 'Volkswagen Golf (D)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Golf', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 100.99 } },
{ id: 'Volkswagen Passat (G)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Passat', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 119.99 } },
{ id: 'Volkswagen Passat (D)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Passat', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 125.49 } },
{ id: 'Volkswagen Tiguan', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Tiguan', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 140.50 } },
{ id: 'Volkswagen Tuareg', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Tuareg', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 190.49 } },
{ id: 'Fiat 500', value: { name: 'Fiat 500', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 70.49 } },
{ id: 'Fiat Panda', value: { name: 'Fiat Panda', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 65.99 } },
{ id: 'Daewoo Tico (G)', value: { name: 'Daewoo Tico', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 15.99 } },
{ id: 'Daewoo Tico (L)', value: { name: 'Daewoo Tico', fuel: 'LPG', pricePerDay: 10.99 } },
{ id: 'Volvo S60', value: { name: 'Volvo S60', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 125.99 } },
{ id: 'Volvo V60', value: { name: 'Volvo V60', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 150.99 } },
{ id: 'Volvo XC40', value: { name: 'Volvo XC40', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 175.99 } },
{ id: 'Opel Corsa', value: { name: 'Opel Corsa', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 70.99 } },
{ id: 'Opel Astra', value: { name: 'Opel Astra', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 85.99 } },
{ id: 'Opel Insignia', value: { name: 'Opel Insignia', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 115.99 } },
{ id: 'Ford Mustang', value: { name: 'Ford Mustang', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 449.99 } }
(item) => {
setValue('FuelType', item.fuel);
setValue('PricePerDay', item.pricePerDay);
autocomplete('Car', 1, [ { id: 'Volkswagen Golf (G)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Golf', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 95 } }, { id: 'Volkswagen Golf (D)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Golf', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 100.99 } }, { id: 'Volkswagen Passat (G)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Passat', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 119.99 } }, { id: 'Volkswagen Passat (D)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Passat', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 125.49 } }, { id: 'Volkswagen Tiguan', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Tiguan', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 140.50 } }, { id: 'Volkswagen Tuareg', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Tuareg', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 190.49 } }, { id: 'Fiat 500', value: { name: 'Fiat 500', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 70.49 } }, { id: 'Fiat Panda', value: { name: 'Fiat Panda', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 65.99 } }, { id: 'Daewoo Tico (G)', value: { name: 'Daewoo Tico', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 15.99 } }, { id: 'Daewoo Tico (L)', value: { name: 'Daewoo Tico', fuel: 'LPG', pricePerDay: 10.99 } }, { id: 'Volvo S60', value: { name: 'Volvo S60', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 125.99 } }, { id: 'Volvo V60', value: { name: 'Volvo V60', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 150.99 } }, { id: 'Volvo XC40', value: { name: 'Volvo XC40', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 175.99 } }, { id: 'Opel Corsa', value: { name: 'Opel Corsa', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 70.99 } }, { id: 'Opel Astra', value: { name: 'Opel Astra', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 85.99 } }, { id: 'Opel Insignia', value: { name: 'Opel Insignia', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 115.99 } }, { id: 'Ford Mustang', value: { name: 'Ford Mustang', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 449.99 } } ], (item) => { setValue('Car',; setValue('FuelType', item.fuel); setValue('PricePerDay', item.pricePerDay); } )
autocomplete('Car', 1, 
        { id: 'Volkswagen Golf (G)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Golf', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 95 } },
        { id: 'Volkswagen Golf (D)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Golf', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 100.99 } },
        { id: 'Volkswagen Passat (G)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Passat', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 119.99 } },
        { id: 'Volkswagen Passat (D)', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Passat', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 125.49 } },
        { id: 'Volkswagen Tiguan', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Tiguan', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 140.50 } },
        { id: 'Volkswagen Tuareg', value: { name: 'Volkswagen Tuareg', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 190.49 } },
        { id: 'Fiat 500', value: { name: 'Fiat 500', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 70.49 } },
        { id: 'Fiat Panda', value: { name: 'Fiat Panda', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 65.99 } },
        { id: 'Daewoo Tico (G)', value: { name: 'Daewoo Tico', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 15.99 } },
        { id: 'Daewoo Tico (L)', value: { name: 'Daewoo Tico', fuel: 'LPG', pricePerDay: 10.99 } },
        { id: 'Volvo S60', value: { name: 'Volvo S60', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 125.99 } },
        { id: 'Volvo V60', value: { name: 'Volvo V60', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 150.99 } },
        { id: 'Volvo XC40', value: { name: 'Volvo XC40', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 175.99 } },
        { id: 'Opel Corsa', value: { name: 'Opel Corsa', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 70.99 } },
        { id: 'Opel Astra', value: { name: 'Opel Astra', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 85.99 } },
        { id: 'Opel Insignia', value: { name: 'Opel Insignia', fuel: 'Gasoline', pricePerDay: 115.99 } },
        { id: 'Ford Mustang', value: { name: 'Ford Mustang', fuel: 'Diesel', pricePerDay: 449.99 } }
    (item) => {
        setValue('FuelType', item.fuel);
        setValue('PricePerDay', item.pricePerDay);

For more about autocomplete please visit our blog.


This function returns an object holding helpful data about the current form. It has the following properties:

  • listDisplayName: SharePoint title of the current list
  • listInternalName: SharePoint internal name of the current list
  • formViewUrl: URL that can be used to open up form viewer for this item in a “view” mode
  • formEditUrl: URL that can be used to open up form viewer for this item in an “edit” mode
  • formCreateUrl: URL that can be used to open up form viewer for a new item
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const formContext = getFormContext();
console.log("listDisplayName: " + formContext.listDisplayName);
console.log("listInternalName: " + formContext.listInternalName);
console.log("formViewUrl: " + formContext.formViewUrl);
console.log("formEditUrl: " + formContext.formEditUrl);
console.log("formCreateUrl: " + formContext.formCreateUrl);
const formContext = getFormContext(); console.log("listDisplayName: " + formContext.listDisplayName); console.log("listInternalName: " + formContext.listInternalName); console.log("formViewUrl: " + formContext.formViewUrl); console.log("formEditUrl: " + formContext.formEditUrl); console.log("formCreateUrl: " + formContext.formCreateUrl);
const formContext = getFormContext();

console.log("listDisplayName: " + formContext.listDisplayName);
console.log("listInternalName: " + formContext.listInternalName);
console.log("formViewUrl: " + formContext.formViewUrl);
console.log("formEditUrl: " + formContext.formEditUrl);
console.log("formCreateUrl: " + formContext.formCreateUrl);


Function show a popup message in the top right corner.

The function should take 2 params:

  • message – a text to be displayed
  • type (optional) – a type of a message; available types: info (applied by default), success, warning, error, default.


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showMessage("This is a secret message!", "success")
showMessage("This is a secret message!", "success")
showMessage("This is a secret message!", "success")

 openPanel() / togglePanel()

Functions allow to open and toggle forms side panels.

They have two parameters:

  • panelName – allowed values: “conversations”, “workflow”, “attachments”, “external sharing”
  • listId – list guid / internal name / title (optional)


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addCustomButton("Open conversations", "Brightness", function() { openPanel("conversations", "Test List")});
addCustomButton("Open conversations", "Brightness", function() { openPanel("conversations", "Test List")});
addCustomButton("Open conversations", "Brightness", function() { openPanel("conversations", "Test List")});

Example II

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addCustomButton("Open conversations", "Brightness", function() { togglePanel("conversations", "Test List")});
addCustomButton("Open conversations", "Brightness", function() { togglePanel("conversations", "Test List")});
addCustomButton("Open conversations", "Brightness", function() { togglePanel("conversations", "Test List")});


The function allows saving the form. Here you can find a use case for this function.


The function allows executing the action on the form. Here you can find more information.

The function has one parameter:

  • actionId – workflow task id
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