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Handling the list view threshold for the Conversations feature

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When you activate the Conversations feature of Sintel Forms the add-in automatically creates a list to store the data for the feature. Depending on how much you use the conversations feature, the list can store quite a bit of data for each form over time.

Due to the quantity of data and SharePoint’s list view threshold, issues may arise where one or both lists grow excessively, potentially causing access problems in SharePoint.

As of the August 2019 release (v. 1.14), we introduced a new data storage mode to address these concerns and enhance overall performance. In this new mode, data within the list is organized into subfolders. For each created form, a corresponding folder is generated within the Conversations list.

Forms created after the August 2019 release will automatically utilize the new folder-based mode. Forms created before this date require a mode change.

Transitioning to the new mode is straightforward. Launch the Sintel Forms Designer, which will detect if the mode adjustment is necessary. Users can opt to proceed with the change or retain the old mode. Converting to the new mode is typically a quick process, taking only a few seconds. Once complete, users can exit the Sintel Forms Designer.

It’s important to note that the conversion process doesn’t alter the form itself or any stored data. The new mode’s purpose is solely to circumvent potential list view threshold issues in SharePoint.

Switching to the new mode automatically activates cascade deletion on the Conversations list. This means that if a form is deleted, its associated conversation history is also removed. Additionally, for good housekeeping, any orphaned entries in the conversation list are deleted during the conversion process.

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