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Warning when opening a dashboard
When you attempt to open a Sintel BI Dashboard you receive an error similar to the one shown below.
In this case, the issue was caused by permissions being changed on 1 or more lists that are used by Sintel BI. A number of lists are used by Sintel BI to store the configuration of things such as data sources, dashboards and components. A user must have read-access to these lists in order to open dashboards. In this case, the permission inheritance was broken on a number of lists and caused the issue.
Resolving the issue is very easy. You simply need to open the site permissions via Site settings->Site Permissions (Example: https://PathToYourSite/_layouts/user.aspx). When you open this screen it will show you a message of any content in the site has unique permissions applied. You can then click on Show these items and delete the unique permissions on any SintelBI lists so that they inherit their permissions from the site.
Refer to our Lists used by Sintel BI for more info about the lists used by Sintel BI and their purpose