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Cannot Export a Sintel App Template due to long internal field names
When you attempt to Export a Sintel App Template you receive and validation error stating that 1 or more internal field names are too long
This occurs as the Sintel BI Export-Import process only supports internal field names up to 32 characters. This is because beyond this length SharePoint starts truncating the internal field names and things start to get funky, and not in a good way! If your field names are long or contain spaces or special characters then some of them will likely exceed the 32-character limit. For example, a field titled “My Monthly Expense Claims” gets an internal field name “My_x0020_Monthly_x0020_Expense_x” and if you add another field “My Monthly Expense Claims Total” it will get “My_x0020_Monthly_x0020_Expense_x0” as an internal field name-not exactly intuitive.
Use field internal names that are less than 32 characters and avoid using spaces or special characters. The following is a list of special characters and if they are used most of them will take up 7 characters in a field’s internal name so they are best avoided.
- (space) _x0020_
- ~ _x007e_
- ! _x0021_
- @ _x0040_
- # _x0023_
- $ _x0024_
- % _x0025_
- ^ _x005e_
- & _x0026_
- * _x002a_
- ( _x0028_
- ) _x0029_
- _ _
- + _x002b_
- – _x002d_
- = _x003d_
- { _x007b_
- } _x007d_
- : _x003a_
- “ _x0022_
- | _x007c_
- ; _x003b_
- ‘ _x0027_
- \ _x005c_
- < _x003c_
- > _x003e_
- ? _x003f_
- , _x002c_
- . _x002e_
- / _x002f_
- ` _x0060_