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Sintel Forms v1.47

Welcome to the March 2024 release of Sintel Forms. Key updates include:

Percentages and thousand separators properties support
– support for the percentage and thousand separators in number fields
Workflow actions tooltip
– adding a new tooltip option for workflows which will displayed on hover in the action menu and button action (widget)
Import improvements
– newly created fields will not be automatically placed in SharePoint view; views will be exported/imported alongside form configuration
Item history panel
– a new panel where the user can check the history of a form
Notification removal 
– notifications are now removed from the Viewer

Several bug fixes have been implemented, including:

– single person field does not change its size after placing a value
– longer groups/person names are displayed in the designer configuration fields (e.g. assigning the actions)
– fix workflow crash after list view threshold exceeded
– fix the deletion of typed letters into lookup/dropdown choice fields
– fix the possibility of performing an external action with your company email
– the auto layout option does not place fields under the footer any more
– correct display of pin requests on mobile devices


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